Cookie Policy

This cookie policy outlines the cookies used on and how they are used to improve your experience and support advertising through Google AdSense.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files stored on your computer or device when you visit a website. They allow the website to remember your actions and preferences (like login, language, font size) over a period, so you don’t have to keep re-entering them whenever you come back.

What cookies do we use?

  • Essential Cookies: These cookies are strictly necessary for the website to function properly. They allow you to navigate and use features like accessing secure areas or using shopping carts.
  • User Preference Cookies: These cookies remember your preferences for future visits (e.g., language selection, font size).
  • Analytics Cookies: We use anonymized analytics cookies to understand how visitors interact with our website and improve its functionality and user experience. These cookies track information such as page views, clicks, and time spent on pages.
  • Advertising Cookies: We use Google AdSense, which may set cookies to deliver targeted advertising based on your browsing behavior and interests. You can learn more about how AdSense uses cookies and how to opt out of personalized advertising by visiting

How to Control Cookies

You can usually disable cookies by adjusting your browser settings to prevent them from being accepted. However, this may limit your ability to use certain features on our website.

Your Consent

By continuing to use our website, you consent to our use of cookies and similar technologies as described in this policy.

Changes to Our Cookie Policy

We may update our cookie policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new cookie policy on this page.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about our cookie policy, please contact us at [insert your contact information].

AdSense Optimization Tips

  • User Consent Banner: Implement a clear and compliant cookie consent banner informing users about all cookies, including AdSense.
  • User Preferences: Consider offering options for users to control ad targeting based on their interests for a better ad experience.
  • Content Relevancy: Focus on creating high-quality content related to insurance and your manga to attract a targeted audience for AdSense.
  • Strategic Ad Placement: Experiment with ad placements that balance user experience with ad visibility.
  • AdSense Settings: Utilize AdSense settings to filter and block ad categories that might not align with your website’s content.
  • Data Analysis: Regularly analyze AdSense reports and user data (e.g., from Google Analytics) to understand audience behavior and optimize ad performance.