Alberta Court Upholds Clear Wording in Auto Insurance: Public Policy Arguments Fail

Public Policy Arguments Fail

Surprising Court Decision: Swerving to Avoid Crash May Not Be Covered by Insurance

A recent Alberta court case, Funk v. Wawanesa Mutual Insurance Company (2018 ABCA 200), highlights the importance of clear and concise language in auto insurance policies. This case has implications for drivers across Canada.

The Scenario:

Imagine you’re driving at night. Headlights appear in the oncoming lane, forcing you to swerve to avoid a collision. Unfortunately, your car rolls over. Thankfully, there’s no other car involved, but you’re injured. Here’s the twist: your insurance company might deny coverage, even though you acted safely.

Why the Denial?

Mr. Funk’s insurance company, Wawanesa, argued he wasn’t covered because his policy required physical contact with the other vehicle. The Alberta Court of Appeal agreed. The policy clearly defined an “unidentified automobile” as one that makes physical contact with the insured’s vehicle.

Public Policy vs. Clear Wording:

Mr. Funk argued the “physical contact” requirement was unreasonable and against public policy. The lower court agreed, but the Court of Appeal reversed this decision. They prioritized clear and consistent policy wording, benefiting both insurers and insured parties by ensuring everyone understands what’s covered.

Is There Hope?

One judge dissented, believing the policy wording was ambiguous. They felt Mr. Funk had a reasonable expectation of coverage for his defensive maneuver. The case is now seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, so the final verdict is yet to come.

Key Takeaways for Drivers:

  • Read Your Policy Carefully: Don’t just skim your auto insurance policy. Pay close attention to sections on unidentified drivers and understand the specific requirements for coverage.
  • Clarity is Key: Don’t assume coverage based on what seems fair. It all boils down to the exact wording in your policy.
  • Seek Help if Unsure: If you’re unsure about coverage scenarios, consult an insurance professional for clarification.

Did Swerving to Avoid a Collision Cost You Insurance Coverage? Alberta Court Says Maybe.

Avoid a Collision Cost You Insurance

Imagine this: you’re driving at night, and headlights appear in the oncoming lane. You swerve to avoid a crash, but your car ends up rolling over. No one else is involved, but you’re injured. Here’s the twist: your insurance policy might not cover this, even though you were trying to be safe.

A recent Alberta court case highlights the importance of clear language in auto insurance policies. Mr. Funk swerved to avoid a collision but had no coverage because his policy required physical contact with the other vehicle.

The Policy Wording Wins (Alberta Court)

The Court of Appeal sided with the insurance company, Wawanesa. The policy clearly defined an “unidentified automobile” as one that makes physical contact with the insured’s vehicle. The court rejected arguments that this requirement was unreasonable or against public policy. They argued clear and consistent policy wording benefits both insurers and insured parties by ensuring everyone understands what’s covered.

But There’s a Twist…

One judge dissented, arguing the policy wording was ambiguous. They believed Mr. Funk had a reasonable expectation of coverage since he reacted to avoid a collision. The judge felt the policy could be interpreted more broadly based on the “physical evidence” needed to prove the unidentified car’s involvement. This case is now seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, so the final word is not yet written.

What This Means for You:

  • Read your auto insurance policy carefully, especially sections on unidentified drivers.
  • Don’t assume coverage based on what seems reasonable – it all comes down to the specific policy wording.
  • If you’re unsure about coverage, consult an insurance professional for clarification.

This case is a reminder that clear communication is key in insurance. By understanding your policy, you can avoid unexpected coverage gaps and ensure you have the protection you need when you need it most.tunesharemore_vert

Imagine a scary scenario: you’re driving at night, headlights appear oncoming, and you swerve to avoid a crash. Unfortunately, your car rolls over. Thankfully, there’s no other car involved, but you’re injured. Now, here’s a shocker: your auto insurance might not cover this, even though you acted safely.

A recent Alberta court case sheds light on the importance of clear wording in auto insurance policies. Mr. Funk swerved to avoid a collision but was denied coverage because his policy required physical contact with the other vehicle.

Clear Policy Wording Wins (For Now):

The Alberta Court of Appeal sided with the insurance company, Wawanesa. The policy clearly defined an “unidentified automobile” as one that makes physical contact with the insured’s vehicle. The court prioritized clear and consistent policy wording, arguing it benefits both insurers and insured parties by ensuring everyone understands what’s covered. This approach promotes transparency and avoids confusion.

But Wait, There’s More:

One judge disagreed, arguing the policy wording was ambiguous. They believed Mr. Funk had a reasonable expectation of coverage for his defensive maneuver. This judge felt the policy could be interpreted more broadly based on the need for “physical evidence” to prove the unidentified car’s involvement. The case is now seeking leave to appeal to the Supreme Court of Canada, so the final verdict is yet to come.

Key Takeaways for Drivers:

  • Read Your Policy Carefully: Don’t just skim your auto insurance policy. Pay close attention to sections on unidentified drivers and understand the specific requirements for coverage.
  • Clarity is Key: Don’t assume coverage based on what seems fair. It all boils down to the exact wording in your policy.
  • Seek Help if Unsure: If you’re unsure about coverage scenarios, consult an insurance professional for clarification. Don’t be afraid to ask questions!

The Ultimate Guide to Insurance: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

The Ultimate Guide to Insurance: Everything You Need to Know in 2024

Guide to Insurance

Understanding Insurance:

Insurance is a risk management tool. In simpler terms, it’s a contract between you (the policyholder) and an insurance company. You agree to pay regular payments (premiums) in exchange for the company’s promise to financially assist you if you encounter a specific covered event.

Types of Insurance:

Life’s unpredictable, and different situations require specific safeguards. Here are some common types of insurance:

  • Life Insurance: Provides a death benefit to your beneficiaries (chosen individuals) if you pass away. This financial cushion can ease their burden during a difficult time.
  • Health Insurance: Covers a significant portion of your medical expenses, including hospitalization, doctor visits, and medications.
  • Home Insurance: Protects your house and belongings from various perils like fire, theft, natural disasters, or even vandalism.
  • Auto Insurance: Pays for repairs or replaces your vehicle in case of accidents, theft, or damage caused by natural events. It can also cover medical bills if you injure others in an accident (liability coverage).
  • Business Insurance: Shields your business from financial losses due to property damage, lawsuits (liability), or even interruptions in operations.

Choosing the Right Insurance:

Selecting the right insurance requires careful consideration:

  • Identify your needs: Analyze the risks you want to protect yourself against. Do you prioritize financial security for your family if you’re no longer around (life insurance), or safeguarding your business from potential lawsuits (liability insurance)?
  • Coverage amount: Determine the appropriate level of financial protection. Consider factors like property value, potential medical costs, or desired income replacement in case of your absence (life insurance).
  • Cost comparison: Don’t settle for the first quote. Research and compare rates offered by different insurance providers.
  • Company reputation: Look for insurers with a strong financial standing and a positive track record of claim settlements.

Getting the Best Deal:

Being a smart insurance buyer involves:

  • Shopping around: Obtain quotes from multiple insurance companies to compare coverage options and pricing.
  • Discounts: Many insurers offer discounts for factors like good driving records, bundling multiple policies, or owning safety features in your home or car.
  • Deductible: This is the initial amount you pay before the insurance kicks in. Increasing your deductible can lower your premium, but remember you’ll shoulder a larger cost if you need to file a claim.
  • Bundling: Consider bundling your home and auto insurance with the same company. This often leads to significant cost savings.

The Importance of Insurance:

Having adequate insurance provides peace of mind. It acts as a financial safety net, shielding you and your loved ones from the burden of unexpected expenses during challenging times.

Beyond the Basics:

This guide serves as a foundation. Remember, insurance is a vast subject with various policy details, exclusions, and complexities.

  • Consult a licensed insurance agent: They can assess your individual needs and recommend suitable coverage options.
  • Read the fine print: Meticulously examine the policy documents to understand what’s covered, exclusions, claim procedures, and renewal terms.

By being informed and proactive, you can secure the right insurance plan that safeguards your well-being and financial security in the face of unforeseen circumstances.tunesharemore_vert